dinsdag 22 maart 2016

sorry for my absence

For quite a time know, I dind't write anything. And that's a pity, because their are things what happened, good and bad. Maybe because of the bad things I wasn't sure if I could write. And time is something what I don't have. But there are good things as well. 

So Gala Nocturna was earlier this month, and my 1660's gown was luckely finished just 3 days before the evening. Photo's of that shall follow, just like the making part of it. 
I have new plans for upcoming summer, and school is so busy I don't even have the time to write this item. So it will be short for this time.

I missed the blogging, and I shall continue with it. I hope to write something new again, very soon. 

In April is Elfia Haarzuilen, and with my last duties as a queen of elfia I going to wave happily to the people, and open the gates with a big smile for the last time as the queen. But I'm not sorry to giving my crown to another person. I want to wear another dress than only my fairy summer dress, and yes, I miss the freedome of walking also a little bit :p 

So for today i'm shut down my pc and going to work for school again. yay sewing! Only 3 costumes for next wednesday! iieeeks O.o 

(ps. sorry for the english that isn't improse the last few months, you know, i'm working on it ;)) 

greets Jessie

below a preview of the 1660 dress at gala nocturna.... but it is very black... :3

I'm the middle fat tiny one :p you can't missed